

**Quick link to the membership form**

West Edinburgh Running Club is a club for runners of all abilities...from brand new runners looking to take up the sport to seasoned veterans. We are predominately a road running club but offer opportunities to get off road, particularly in the summer months.

We meet at Saughton Park every Thursday evening, full details of our training sessions can be found elsewhere on the website.

Becoming a member
You are welcome to try West Edinburgh Running Club for four sessions without becoming a member. We want you to have time to know whether the club is right for you. Those still wishing to attend after four weeks should apply for membership.

There are two steps to becoming a member of the club:

Step one 

Fill out the registration form by clicking this link

Step two 

Please make payment to the below bank account using the reference '[your name] Membership 2024'

Name: West Edinburgh Running Club
Sort Code: 80-22-60
A/C Number: 26525361

Alternative step two

Email to request a free membership should you genuinely need to.


Membership runs annually from April to April with the date of renewal aligning with our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Those joining after 1st November will pay the concession rate.

Membership costs are agreed and set yearly at the AGM. The fees for 2024/25 are outlined below:

NOTE - It is now after 1st November and therefore any new members should pay the concession rate as our membership runs April to April. However, we would politely ask anyone who started running with us before the end of September 2024 but forgot to sign up for membership, pay the standard rate (where appropriate/possible of course).

The standard membership - £25  
This is the membership option for the majority of our members

Concession - £12.50
Students, over 65 year olds, low-income workers or those out of work can take advantage of a concession rate. This is also the rate for those joining after November 1st.

Free membership - £0
Money will never be a barrier to participation at the club. If you genuinely cannot afford a membership but wish to join the club, please email and request a free membership